Sunday, November 26, 2006


I love the holidays, especially Thanksgiving and Christmas. I love them because I get to spend time with my family, family I don't get to see very often. Since my grandmother passed away, we've not had Thanksgiving with the Downey's. I understand why, but it makes me sad. Some of my most precious memories as a child are of spending Thanksgiving and Christmas with both sides of the family.

We had Thanksgiving dinner with my mother's side of the family on Thursday. This is the second Thanksgiving without Papa, but we have much to be thankful for. I made a huge pot of green bean (simmered for hours in bacon! Yummmm!) and made my first big batch of candied yams. Both turned out wonderful because the recipies are mother's! My cousin Greg made the best turkey I think I've ever had, and of course all of the food was delicious! Every year I make a conscious effort to eat less, but I still eat too much. :)

I was talking to my mother earlier that day about how we focus so much on food and take each other for granted. We decided that we would attempt to start a new tradition in our family this year by having everyone say some things they are thankful for before we pray over the meal. To my surprise, it went very well. Things got a little deep, and some of us got choked up just vocalizing how grateful we are for each other and for such a wonderful man like Papa who brought our two families together. Some mentioned how grateful they are for the freedoms we enjoy in America, others for the courageous soldiers that fight for our country. Some mentioned their gratitude for their significant other, and many mentioned Jesus Christ.

He's my answer too. So is sobriety. Sobriety is such an awesome gift to be enjoyed here and now. So is the gift of salvation as God continually changes my heart and renews my mind and spirit, but I'm more grateful than anything for the eternal nature of the sacrificial gift of Jesus. With the work of the cross, God met my eternal needs the moment I repented and put my faith in Him. Everything I need for eternity has been provided. How much more then can I trust God to meet my earthy needs?