Sunday, November 26, 2006


I love the holidays, especially Thanksgiving and Christmas. I love them because I get to spend time with my family, family I don't get to see very often. Since my grandmother passed away, we've not had Thanksgiving with the Downey's. I understand why, but it makes me sad. Some of my most precious memories as a child are of spending Thanksgiving and Christmas with both sides of the family.

We had Thanksgiving dinner with my mother's side of the family on Thursday. This is the second Thanksgiving without Papa, but we have much to be thankful for. I made a huge pot of green bean (simmered for hours in bacon! Yummmm!) and made my first big batch of candied yams. Both turned out wonderful because the recipies are mother's! My cousin Greg made the best turkey I think I've ever had, and of course all of the food was delicious! Every year I make a conscious effort to eat less, but I still eat too much. :)

I was talking to my mother earlier that day about how we focus so much on food and take each other for granted. We decided that we would attempt to start a new tradition in our family this year by having everyone say some things they are thankful for before we pray over the meal. To my surprise, it went very well. Things got a little deep, and some of us got choked up just vocalizing how grateful we are for each other and for such a wonderful man like Papa who brought our two families together. Some mentioned how grateful they are for the freedoms we enjoy in America, others for the courageous soldiers that fight for our country. Some mentioned their gratitude for their significant other, and many mentioned Jesus Christ.

He's my answer too. So is sobriety. Sobriety is such an awesome gift to be enjoyed here and now. So is the gift of salvation as God continually changes my heart and renews my mind and spirit, but I'm more grateful than anything for the eternal nature of the sacrificial gift of Jesus. With the work of the cross, God met my eternal needs the moment I repented and put my faith in Him. Everything I need for eternity has been provided. How much more then can I trust God to meet my earthy needs?

Sunday, October 08, 2006


Well, today is my 26th birthday. Birthdays are nice...I always get to spend some time with family and have some fun. As I think about this last year, I see alot of things that God has been doing in my heart. I have to be honest and say that I never expected to still be in school at age 26 (unless it was graduate school!), and I never expected to still be single. But I know that God's plan is so much better than mine, and I can see more and more how He uses some of my "disappointments" to do an even greater work in my heart, calling me to a more intimate relationship with Him and preparing me for what's in store in the next season of my life.

One of the presents that my parents got me was gold circle seating to the Casting Crowns concert last night!!! My mother and father and Kelly went with me. We got such good seats and had just an awesome time of fun and worship. John David Webster opened for them and was great too. I was a big concert goer before I became a believer, and everytime I go to a Christian concert it reminds me of the vast difference between secular and Christian concerts. I've had good times at secular concerts and have seen so many talented bands, but it doesn't really come close the spiritual and usually emotional experience I have when I go to Christian concerts and worship my Creator with the band and everyone else there.

As I thought, the pictures didn't much turn out. I was hoping to get to see them after the concert like I did the last time, but the band had leave right after the show to make it back to their hometown for church this morning. I love that about Casting Crowns. No matter how big their fan base has gotten, no matter how many records they have sold, Mark Hall and the band are still committed to the job they had before this whole thing began-youth ministry. They are at their home church every Sunday, no matter where they tour. What an awesome heart for our youth! I love youth ministers-they are so vital in the body of Christ in shaping our youth (and they're usually pretty fun and goofy to hang out with!). Here's a picture of everyone worshipping at the concert...

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And here's Kelly and I goofing around after the concert...

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We had so much fun hanging out afterwards and just sharing what God's been doing with each of us this last week. I'm so grateful for her and her encouragement. It's so awesome to share hearts with brothers and sisters in Christ and have them relate and share on such a deep level. God knew what He was doing-people need people. That's just how He made us.

Today was a good day. The message at church was a good and challenging one, and Kelly and I went out to lunch and picked up some of my favorite ice cream. :) Unfortunately, the evening has been filled with studying since I have an exam tomorrow. I'm optimistic it will pay off though!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Just plain tired

For the last couple of weeks, something has been really wrong. I've been real fatigued, sleeping more than normal, sleeping in, and being exhausted all day on most days. First we suspected mono, then anemia, and so on. For someone who exercises regularly, eats fairly healthy, and takes vitamins, it has been an extremely frustrating and discouraging month. My exhaustion was beginning to interfere with class, school work, exercising, and my performance at work.

After almost a month of it, I finally took my mother's advise and had some lab work done. The doctor ruled out mono and ran some blood tests for anemia and thyroid problems. To my relief and frustration, both came back normal. I was relieved that they were okay, frustrated because I still didn't know what was wrong.

I think I was actually beginning to get somewhat depressed about the whole thing because I felt so helpless. I also began to get really scared that if it continued, it could really effect my class work, and since this is my last year, it's more important to me than ever to stay strong in my academics.

Last Thursday after a good night's rest, I worked out in the morning, ate a healthy lunch, took my vitamins, and went off to class. Half-way through class I became so exhausted that I could barely stay awake. (Sleeping in class is just not something I do) After class was over, I actually went out to my car and slept for a few hours! Intervarsity Christian Fellowship has worship night on Thursdays at 5:00 PM, and I managed to wake up a little after that to make it.

The worship time was extended that night, and it was so powerful. I needed it. I needed to be renewed and refreshed. I had been feeling so bad physically and had been so discouraged that I had used that as an excuse not to be in God's Word as much and not to spend as much time in prayer as I normally do. I had started to listen to the lie of "It's not a big deal." I know better. I know I need to feed on God's Word continually, and that my joy and strength springs forth from the intimate time I spend with Him. After sobbing most of the worship time and listening to our campus minister speak on the importance of personal prayer and worship time and the importance of daily being in the Scriptures (God knows what we need to hear when we need to hear it!), I felt like the Lord was calling me to yield this to Him. To trust Him, to stop being overcome with worry and discouragement, and to praise and honor Him no matter what my circumstance. I asked John, our campus minister to pray over me. Today is Sunday...all day on Friday and Saturday I felt fine. Today I had a headache and took a nap in the evening, but I haven't had anymore overwhelming fatigue since Thursday! Call it coincidence, call it what you want...I call it an answer to prayer!

Zenith 2006...finally!

Hi All! Apologies again everyone about the time it took to finally post this. Anyway, here goes...

Camp Zenith was fabulous this year, like it always is...full of smiles, fun, laughter, new friendships, reunions, awesome worship, funny comedians, relavant and thought-provoking classes, challenging speakers, dedicated camp and ministry staff, and a whole bunch of awesome teens. For some, it's a week of spiritual renewal. For others, it's a week of new beginning with God. For some, it's a week of sharing their faith and spiritual insights. For others, it's a week of listening and watching.

There were several different kinds of entertainment that week, but none impressed me like the band Poor Rich Folk. I couldn't take their CD out of my car CD player for more than a month! It's not normally the kind of music I listen too, but they are so talented and they lyrics keep me reflecting for days! To check them out, click here.

I and my co-counselor had great group of kids this year! It's always a blessing to me to get to know a little bit of each and every one of them. I always pray that they have a good time at camp, that they build new relationships, and that they connect with God. I always pray that I love them like Christ loves me. I always pray that they know how much I care about where they are spiritually. Here are some pics of our group. You guys rock!

Caitlin and Alisha

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Sam, Shana, and Alice

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Calley, Molly, Connor, Leighann, and Kellie

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My co-counselor Dave, Caitlin, Alisha, and Justin

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Connor, Kolby, and Parker

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Me and some of the girls

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We always have an awesome staff of counselors and youth ministers, and it's always a blessing to see some of them again each year. Here are some more pics...

Chris Robey (youth minister from Texas), Niki Nowell (women's head counselor from Colorado), and Matt Lee (youth minister)

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Hershall, Julie and Mia Craig

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Me and Natalie (camp counselor from Oklahoma)

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Me and Liz Gibbs (camp counselor from Texas who was unexpectedly promoted to dorm supervisor this year! LOL)

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Niki, Angi, and Max picked me up at the airport the night I arrived in Oklahoma City, and we headed to campus for the counselor's orientation meeting, which was the night before camp started. Max is Benny and Niki's oldest son who is six and a half now. I haven't gotten to see him but maybe once or twice since they moved away from Indy. On the way to campus, Max told me all about how Adam and Luke Copeland came to stay with them for a week in Denver and how he was really looking forward to seeing Adam at Zenith. The next day, youth groups started to arrive in the early afternoon and Max was patiently waiting for Adam and his youth group from San Antonio to show up. When I saw Max that afternoon, he said "Sarah, I just keep looking and looking for Adam, and I just keep not seeing him." I assured him that Adam would arrive soon and not to worry. Later on that night after everyone had arrived, I told Angi what Max had said about Adam, and we chuckled. She said that was funny because when she saw Adam, one of the first things she heard him say was..."Has anyone seen Max?" Go figure... :)

After leaving Zenith on Friday, Niki, Max, Angi and I drove to Kansas where we spent the night. They had a huge waterslide in the pool at the hotel, so Max went down the waterslide 328 times the next morning. LOL Max is a cool little dude. The best pics I have of us are on my cell phone though, so I can't post them on here. We sat together in the back seat all the way to Kansas and then to Denver. Hours of playing with fart-puddy, happy meal toys, singing and telling stories, and playing with more fart-puddy. Max kept messing with me, so of course I messed with him. The phrase of the day from the backseat was, "Mommy, Sarah Downey is torturing me!"

Max Nowell

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Benny and Niki Nowell

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Me and Benny

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We arrived in Denver late in the evening. It was so good to see Benny and spend time at the Nowell residence, although we all agreed that one night was not enough. Niki and I had to get up at 5:00 am the next morning to have me to the airport. Too bad we stayed up until 2:30 am talking and catching up!
It was so worth it though-the whole trip. The only thing I didn't like about it was that it was too short. I look forward to Zenith every year-it's just something that goes on my calendar every year until further notice. :) My God is pretty awesome! He allows me to witness so much in the lives of others and has blessed me so much with a network of believers to lean on, laugh with, encourage, confide in, and love. I don't know what I'd do without my sisters in Christ! Praise God for the safe travel that He allowed, the lives He changed (and continues to change), and the friendships rekindled that week!

Friday, September 08, 2006

Busy, busy

I know that some of you are wondering where my post from Zenith it is more than 2 and a half months later. I started that post the week after I returned from Oklahoma and Colorado, but I have had the worst on-going problems with getting the pictures to post correctly. I finally figured out that they all need to be reformatted and saved differently for the web, then my computer at home with all the pictures on it stopped working right, then I scanned them again at school and saved them all there only to find out that I was missing some. On and on...I just got overwhelmed with it and stopped working on it for a while. I took 4 classes this summer (roughly equivalent to 18 credit hours) and with work and everything else going on...[sigh]. I've been so overwhelmed and I've felt regretful that I'm not even really in the blogging community anymore. I even thought about closing my blog account. But I can't. I really love blogging, and I love being able to see what my friends in other states are up to. I'll try to do better...forgive me? I miss all of you. I'll try to get that Zenith post finished up this month-I had such a good trip and wanted to share it, and I wrote about my time in Denver.

Class is going well, fast-paced, but well. This semester I'm taking 2 psychology courses-Cognition and Capstone Research. I'm also taking Environmental Geology, which I really enjoy. I'm so excited that I'm able to do my research in one of the areas that I absolutely love-Health Psychology. It's a growing passion for me. I specifically will be studying health behaviors, like eating and exercising. I'm also working on my certification so that I can be an addictions counselor. I already have the 1000 hours that I need from working at the treatment center, and now I'm looking into the testing. While I'll be excited to be certified, especially after I have my degree, I'm really wanting to look into graduate programs in health psychology. That seems to be where my heart is, but we'll see what God has in store. I have hopes and dreams, but they belong to Him-to be used in whatever way He deems and in whatever way will bring Him much glory.

God continues to give me opportunites at work in my Spiritual Study group to share my faith and plant seeds for His kingdom. Mark Cahill's books go like hot cakes-I can't seem to keep a steady supply (praise God!). And because my schedule is different this semester, I'm able to be more involved with Intervarsity Christian Fellowship more at IUPUI (Indiana University Purdue Univerity @ Indianapolis). I feel that it has been the missing piece-I finally have that authentic fellowship with other believers my age on campus, and I've met lots of new friends and partners in the gospel who want to be a witnessing community and a presence on campus for Christ Jesus. Oh, and I've met some people to play volleyball with as well-I'm mean c'mon that's important! :) By the way, I was playing with them on Thursday night and burst a blood vessel in my right wrist after slamming the ball. I'm fine now, it's just turning pretty colors, but wow was it scary-looked like a golf ball was under my skin...I had a blast though and played well-it was worth it I guess. :)

Some good news to share that was unexpected... I got Lady of the Month at the gym I go to since I've continued to loose weight (about 50 lbs total now). I still have a little more to go, but God has been so faithful to give the desire to take better care of my body and honor Him with it when I pray for that.

Work is going well...sometimes it's really hard to work in this field (addictions) and to watch people not do well, but thank God that some make it. It's the rewards of the few who stay sober and go on to live wonderfully full lives that drown out the discouragement of the many who are unable to stay sober. It's so heart-moving to watch peoples lives change, to watch life spring up inside of them. It's even more precious to watch people come into the kingdom of God and watch the Holy Spirit make them into a new creation! That's what LIFE is about to me-planting seeds of truth about eternity and watching our Mighty God transform lives. God is in the business of transforming lives. He is like no other.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Alright, alright!

Back, by popular threat! (And chiding about how even someone in medical school is able to make time to blog more often than I am! LOL) I've missed you guys too, and although I don't have time for too many details, here’s a quick update of what I've been up too the last 6 months...

I met someone in November, and after the first of the year we really started getting to know each other. We spent so many nights on the phone, and we have months of handwritten letters from the other. Not only were we interested in each other, but we began to build an awesome friendship. He's a wonderful Christian man with a heart for ministry (and politics!) and service. He's kind, sensitive, and has a great sense of humor. Oh... and he puts up with me! :) I would post an adorable picture of him, but he'd probably kill me! I spent Valentine's Day with him in KY and had a wonderful time!!! But not too long after that, everything came to a screeching halt...

I can't go into details, and probably shouldn't here. But I do know one thing...either he is not the one OR now is not the time. The Lord made it abundantly clear to each of us that we shouldn't pursue anything more than a friendship right now. Since that long conversation with him a few months ago, I've never doubted that this is the Lord's will. Especially after I realized how much heavier of a class load I will have to take to graduate next May (YEAH!!!), I realized that I wouldn't be able to devote time to a courtship even if I wanted to. And I'm probably not as ready for one as I'd like to think I am. As always, the Lord has been showing me some things in my heart that need to change...emotional issues from past relationships, among other things, that I need to work through and get rid of. I don't want to carry that stuff into a marriage someday...that wouldn't be fair to my husband.

The last few months have been really hard. It was harder in the beginning, and even now, some days are harder than others. Probably the most frustrating, and even hurtful, part of it all is that the Lord is choosing to delay in revealing to me what His will is. Right now I honestly have no idea what the future holds with him or anyone else. I know that God is sovereign though, and that He knows better than I do what I need. I can only trust that if this man and I are not to be together, that God will change one or both of our hearts. And if we are, that He will deepen the way we feel about each other and sustain us through this time of waiting. I know that the Lord knows what I need in a husband and what he needs in a wife, and that may or may not be each other. No matter what my heart wants, deep down I really want what the Lord has for me. His plans have proven time and time again to be better than my own. Even though I don't always understand...I trust Him.

I am really grateful though for the way we can still talk, relate, and laugh together. The friendship and laughter we share is truly a gift from the Lord.

I've also been in summer school this summer, running myself ragged as usual between work and school. :) But I'm doing really well in school, and have somehow found the motivation to forth all possible effort. It feels good to be working up to my full potential, and I know it's more honoring to the Lord.

I'm flying out of Indy on Saturday to be a camp counselor at Zenith again this year in Oklahoma City, on the campus of Oklahoma Christian University. I can't wait!!! I look forward to Zenith every year...I think most of us who go end up falling in love with it! I'm also spending a night or two in Denver at the end of the week with Benny and Niki, and I'll fly home from Denver that Sunday. Benny was the youth minister several years ago at the church I grew up at. I got to have them as part of the ministry team at Southeastern, but I got more than that out of the deal. I got some great friends and a dear brother and sister in the Lord!

I'll have a report of Zenith 2006 when I return and take lots of pictures to post. Please pray for the hearts of all of the teenagers who will be on campus that week at camp. Pray that God would open their hearts and prepare them to hear the truth, and that He would strengthen the faith of those who already know Him. Please pray for the counselors and ministry staff, that the love of Christ would be seen in us and that we would be faithful in sharing the Gospel and planting seeds of truth.