Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Worn out

Man, since I've been out of town for over a week, it's kind of hard getting back in the swing of things. With the usual 4-6 hour nights of sleep at Zenith, I came home quite exhausted. I ate in the cafeteria there all week, and I had more fries last week than I've probably had in the last 6 months! Needless to say, it's been really hard to get psyched up about getting into my workout routine again. It was challenging yesterday, but today I really found myself having to pray for God to give me the motivation and to help me to finish. You know how it is, it's just hard to stay at something when every cell in your body cries, "I don't want to be here!" Anyway, I finished my workout, and my body is starting to adjust again. God is good.

My prayer with this area of my life is not much different than my prayer for any other area of my life...Thy will be done. I've stuggled with my weight my whole life, but it really took off for me when I quit smoking (when I became a Christian). And it always used to be about the wieght and how I looked, but I realized that that can be just as idolitrous as anything if that's what I'm chasing. Today, I really want to serve God with every part of me, and that obviously includes my body. Not that I'm not serving Him now, but I think I could better serve Him by taking care of the body he gave me. So I've lost about 20 pounds, but still have quite a ways to go. Sometimes it can get discouraging, especially since I like chocolate so much! :) But as I seek Him, I'm just reminded that it's not about the pounds or the results, it's about my heart. It's about whether my hearts desire is to really honor God.

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