Monday, May 26, 2008

What's Most Important?

Me, Mark Cahill, and Kelly

I’ve had so much going on. I always do. The more time goes on though, the more apparent it becomes to me that the enemy of our souls has done a fabulous job of distracting me from what’s most important in life. I keep wondering if he’s getting paid for all this overtime. At least what should be most important in the life of every Christian, and that’s sharing the truth about Jesus Christ and talking with others about eternity. It’s the only thing that’s going to matter 100 or even 1000 years from now. It’s not going to matter how much money I made this year, how much weight I did or didn’t lose, or what kind of car I drove. The only thing that will matter is what I did for the kingdom of God, who I told…who I loved.

I spent most of the weekend listening to two different men of God, as they boldly shared about the war for souls in our culture, the importance of being equipped to give an answer for the hope that I have, and having the obedience to do it. Mark Cahill, a brother in Christ that God has used so much in my own walk, to convict me and encourage me to be a bold and faithful woman for Jesus Christ, was one of the speakers. My friend Kelly and I got to talk with him after the conference and catch up. We e-mail him off and on, and he knows about many of the things God has done in our lives and how He’s moved us to get the truth to non-believers and encourage other brothers and sisters in the faith. We were privileged enough to get to chat with him and get a picture with him. There were so many of us who went to the Indy 500 track on Saturday and Sunday to talk with people about eternity and hand out Gospel tracts. We got into some great, interesting conversations! We plant the seeds, but God makes them grow.

I’ve been so moved by his book “One Thing You Can’t Do in Heaven” that I’ve tried to get as many copies as I can into the hands of fellow Christians. Most of us allow fear to get in the way of our compassion and concern for the eternal fate of others, when the reality is that God will give us the words to speak for Him if we simply are obedient and take the time to equip ourselves. The evidence is clear. The truth is there. Know it Christians. I’ve been so amazed and impressed by his book “One Heartbeat Away” that I’ve tried to get as many copies as possible into the hands of those who have questions, those who are unsure, and those who are skeptical about the great God we serve. It never ceases to amaze me how many people hear the truth, see the evidence for themselves, and are forever changed by Jesus Christ. Just as amazing to me as my own conversion, a radical supernatural change from a life riddled with sin and disbelief. I can’t even count the stories we heard this weekend of the many many hearts God is changing. If you’d like either one of these books, shoot me an e-mail, and it’s on me. I’d be privileged to get you one. Or you could click here to check out Mark’s website. He has both books on MP3 too, and it’s all by donation only. He’s not interested in your money. You can’t put a price tag on a soul. And if you could, it was paid 2,000 years ago on a cross.

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