Sunday, October 01, 2006

Just plain tired

For the last couple of weeks, something has been really wrong. I've been real fatigued, sleeping more than normal, sleeping in, and being exhausted all day on most days. First we suspected mono, then anemia, and so on. For someone who exercises regularly, eats fairly healthy, and takes vitamins, it has been an extremely frustrating and discouraging month. My exhaustion was beginning to interfere with class, school work, exercising, and my performance at work.

After almost a month of it, I finally took my mother's advise and had some lab work done. The doctor ruled out mono and ran some blood tests for anemia and thyroid problems. To my relief and frustration, both came back normal. I was relieved that they were okay, frustrated because I still didn't know what was wrong.

I think I was actually beginning to get somewhat depressed about the whole thing because I felt so helpless. I also began to get really scared that if it continued, it could really effect my class work, and since this is my last year, it's more important to me than ever to stay strong in my academics.

Last Thursday after a good night's rest, I worked out in the morning, ate a healthy lunch, took my vitamins, and went off to class. Half-way through class I became so exhausted that I could barely stay awake. (Sleeping in class is just not something I do) After class was over, I actually went out to my car and slept for a few hours! Intervarsity Christian Fellowship has worship night on Thursdays at 5:00 PM, and I managed to wake up a little after that to make it.

The worship time was extended that night, and it was so powerful. I needed it. I needed to be renewed and refreshed. I had been feeling so bad physically and had been so discouraged that I had used that as an excuse not to be in God's Word as much and not to spend as much time in prayer as I normally do. I had started to listen to the lie of "It's not a big deal." I know better. I know I need to feed on God's Word continually, and that my joy and strength springs forth from the intimate time I spend with Him. After sobbing most of the worship time and listening to our campus minister speak on the importance of personal prayer and worship time and the importance of daily being in the Scriptures (God knows what we need to hear when we need to hear it!), I felt like the Lord was calling me to yield this to Him. To trust Him, to stop being overcome with worry and discouragement, and to praise and honor Him no matter what my circumstance. I asked John, our campus minister to pray over me. Today is Sunday...all day on Friday and Saturday I felt fine. Today I had a headache and took a nap in the evening, but I haven't had anymore overwhelming fatigue since Thursday! Call it coincidence, call it what you want...I call it an answer to prayer!

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