Sunday, October 01, 2006

Zenith 2006...finally!

Hi All! Apologies again everyone about the time it took to finally post this. Anyway, here goes...

Camp Zenith was fabulous this year, like it always is...full of smiles, fun, laughter, new friendships, reunions, awesome worship, funny comedians, relavant and thought-provoking classes, challenging speakers, dedicated camp and ministry staff, and a whole bunch of awesome teens. For some, it's a week of spiritual renewal. For others, it's a week of new beginning with God. For some, it's a week of sharing their faith and spiritual insights. For others, it's a week of listening and watching.

There were several different kinds of entertainment that week, but none impressed me like the band Poor Rich Folk. I couldn't take their CD out of my car CD player for more than a month! It's not normally the kind of music I listen too, but they are so talented and they lyrics keep me reflecting for days! To check them out, click here.

I and my co-counselor had great group of kids this year! It's always a blessing to me to get to know a little bit of each and every one of them. I always pray that they have a good time at camp, that they build new relationships, and that they connect with God. I always pray that I love them like Christ loves me. I always pray that they know how much I care about where they are spiritually. Here are some pics of our group. You guys rock!

Caitlin and Alisha

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Sam, Shana, and Alice

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Calley, Molly, Connor, Leighann, and Kellie

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My co-counselor Dave, Caitlin, Alisha, and Justin

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Connor, Kolby, and Parker

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Me and some of the girls

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We always have an awesome staff of counselors and youth ministers, and it's always a blessing to see some of them again each year. Here are some more pics...

Chris Robey (youth minister from Texas), Niki Nowell (women's head counselor from Colorado), and Matt Lee (youth minister)

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Hershall, Julie and Mia Craig

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Me and Natalie (camp counselor from Oklahoma)

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Me and Liz Gibbs (camp counselor from Texas who was unexpectedly promoted to dorm supervisor this year! LOL)

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Niki, Angi, and Max picked me up at the airport the night I arrived in Oklahoma City, and we headed to campus for the counselor's orientation meeting, which was the night before camp started. Max is Benny and Niki's oldest son who is six and a half now. I haven't gotten to see him but maybe once or twice since they moved away from Indy. On the way to campus, Max told me all about how Adam and Luke Copeland came to stay with them for a week in Denver and how he was really looking forward to seeing Adam at Zenith. The next day, youth groups started to arrive in the early afternoon and Max was patiently waiting for Adam and his youth group from San Antonio to show up. When I saw Max that afternoon, he said "Sarah, I just keep looking and looking for Adam, and I just keep not seeing him." I assured him that Adam would arrive soon and not to worry. Later on that night after everyone had arrived, I told Angi what Max had said about Adam, and we chuckled. She said that was funny because when she saw Adam, one of the first things she heard him say was..."Has anyone seen Max?" Go figure... :)

After leaving Zenith on Friday, Niki, Max, Angi and I drove to Kansas where we spent the night. They had a huge waterslide in the pool at the hotel, so Max went down the waterslide 328 times the next morning. LOL Max is a cool little dude. The best pics I have of us are on my cell phone though, so I can't post them on here. We sat together in the back seat all the way to Kansas and then to Denver. Hours of playing with fart-puddy, happy meal toys, singing and telling stories, and playing with more fart-puddy. Max kept messing with me, so of course I messed with him. The phrase of the day from the backseat was, "Mommy, Sarah Downey is torturing me!"

Max Nowell

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Benny and Niki Nowell

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Me and Benny

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We arrived in Denver late in the evening. It was so good to see Benny and spend time at the Nowell residence, although we all agreed that one night was not enough. Niki and I had to get up at 5:00 am the next morning to have me to the airport. Too bad we stayed up until 2:30 am talking and catching up!
It was so worth it though-the whole trip. The only thing I didn't like about it was that it was too short. I look forward to Zenith every year-it's just something that goes on my calendar every year until further notice. :) My God is pretty awesome! He allows me to witness so much in the lives of others and has blessed me so much with a network of believers to lean on, laugh with, encourage, confide in, and love. I don't know what I'd do without my sisters in Christ! Praise God for the safe travel that He allowed, the lives He changed (and continues to change), and the friendships rekindled that week!

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