Thursday, July 03, 2008

I Feel So Loved

Many of you know that I went to the Great Banquet at the end of March, an awesome retreat in which loved ones and family members write wonderful letters of love and encouragement that are given to participants on the last day of the retreat. To those of you who wrote to me, thank you SO much! You were such a blessing. I have never been so overwhelmed with love and kindness by everyone who has been apart of my life, past and present. Tonight, I happen to be glancing through some of my letters again, and I wanted to share two of the most special ones. The first is from my mama...

My dearest Sarah, My first born,
From the moment I saw you, you stole my heart. I didn't know just how much God was working! My early attempts at parenting were somehow lacking. I couldn't put a name to it, but at times I felt very unworthy.
Boy did God wake me up in your teens. He kinda shook me and said, "Pay attention!"
Every up and down you have had since then was God refining you in the fire. I see you growing everyday into this fine, poised young lady, whom I am proud to call my daughter and friend.
You are compassionate, kind, loving, and loyal. And with God's help you will someday make a terrific wife and mother.
As I write this, there are so many thoughts swirling through my head. I love you fiercely and unconditionally. Your happiness and growth in God are my daily prayers for you. Your love of God comes first, and then your family and friends. You love with your whole heart, and that I can identify with.
You will be in my thoughts and prayers this weekend. Enjoy every minute of it!
Love Always,

Her letter meant so much to me, but I have to admit that I cried even more when I read my father's. He's short and to the point, but you know. Most men are. LOL I am close with both of my parents, but I have always been a daddy's girl. He wrote...

To my dear Sarah Jane,
What you mean to me is very simple. Through all of the trials and tribulations we have all gone through, God, you mother, and I have helped you to grow and prosper in the Lord. I feel like you are the most perfect accomplishment that we have worked on in my 53 years on the planet.
Love Always,

Now believe me, my relationship with them is far from perfect. But at the end of the day, it's impossible to put a price tag on their unconditional love and support. Thank you Lord for the gift of loving parents who see their children through!

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